Funding Canadian Churches.
Building Ministry Since 1957.
Low-interest loans for kingdom growth.
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Financing churches across Canada since 1957
Our philosophy is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ through providing low-interest financing of capital projects for churches in Canada.
List of Affiliated Organizations:
We serve to finance churches who align with our goals and values to grow the kingdom. View our current affiliated churches:
The Affiliations We Serve
- Christian Churches and Churches of Christ (Restoration Movement)
- Vision Ministries Canada (VMC)
- The Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists (FEB)
- Anglican Diocese of Canada (ADoC)
- Evangelical Free Church of Canada (EFCC)
We support specific aligned affiliations and churches that follow our statement of beliefs, outlined below. Organizations must align with this statement and belong to one of our partner affiliations.
Statement Of Beliefs and Practices
The mandate of Church of Christ Development Company Ltd. (CCDC) is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ by providing low-interest capital loans to congregationally governed churches in Canada. CCDC is governed independently but shares a common set of principles, based on a commitment to Biblical integrity, with the historic Restoration Movement, and outlined in the following Statement of Beliefs and Practices:
Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God
(Mt 16:16)
That Christ died to atone for the sins of all people and was raised from the dead
(Ro 4:25, Ro 6:9, Ep 1:20)
The Bible, containing 66 sub-books, is the inspired Word of God, the authority for the teaching, organization and life of the church
(2Ti 3:14-16)
That we seek the unity of all believers by practicing Biblical Christianity
(Jn 17:20, Ep 4:1-13)
People are justified by faith in Jesus Christ, confessing Jesus as Lord and Savior, being baptized and obeying His commandments
(Jn 3:16, Acts 2:38, Ro 10:9-10, Mt 28: 18-20)
Practicing observance of the Lord’s Supper preferably weekly but at least monthly
(Mt 26:26-28, Mk 14:22-24, Lu 22: 19-20, 1Co 10: 16-17, 11: 23-32)
Have an existing loan?
We can re-finance it and provide you with our current interest rate of 2.50%
Capital Projects
Is there a building or piece of land God is calling you to purchase?
We provide low-interest loans for land and building purchases.
Does your church desperately need a renovation or have another capital need?
Get in touch to see if your organization qualifies for a low-interest loan.
We serve our community by offering a variety of loans.
Move your mission forward today by learning more about our loans and how you can apply.